When considering what to bring with you for your trip, remember that less is more. You won't want to be hauling several large suitcases around with you through airports, train stations etc, so it is recommended that you try and limit your self to a suitcase and a small day bag each. This will make it easier for the luggage transfer aspect of your trip. If you are planning on carrying your own gear in panniers it is particularly important that you limit what you plan on travelling with.
Please note that most, if not all of the accommodation providers will be able to wash your cycling gear for you overnight. If you have your phone, your wallet or purse, and you identification you will never be in trouble. If you feel that you have forgotten anything we will be able to direct you to a bike shop. That being said, we have compiled a list of items that you may find useful to bring with you. Remember to check the weather forecast before you travel. What you will need in Sicily in July will differ greatly from Ireland in April!
© 2025 Iron Donkey Cycle Tours Website by Eyekiller